Use qBittorrent for a secure and smooth torrenting experience. We don't give a shit about censorship. we're all about letting users share whatever they want, no filters, no limits, no logs, no JS. Just make sure you're sharing through magnet torrents. Don't forget to see Privacy if you need more informations. You can support the project by donating some XMR, you can find the address here.

iconNo. magnets: 12

iconNo. comments: 6

iconGlobal views: 1.1K

Verification Code

The verification code will allow you to submit and comment as a verified user and you will also have a dedicated page with all your magnets. This will above all inform users that what you are sharing is legit.

To obtain a verification code, please contact us via email at [email protected] or via Session: 05f06f3e0c6be9ce59bbe915c85caaeb853c17f3b422e1bc269a9ae9323f048f51. You can also contact us by using the form below. You will need to prove that you are indeed who you claim to be (Piracy Groups, Hacker groups, whistleblowers, leakers...).

To ensure the security and confidentiality of our communications, it is mandatory to use PGP encryption for all correspondence, here's our public pgp key. So please sign all your messages.

Depending on the level of risk/heat associated with your request and the entity you claim, a specific payment (XMR) may be required. This assessment will be made after your identity (of course not your real identity) has been verified.

The amount can be very low if you are just a small video game piracy group, or very high if you are high-level cybercriminals or part of a ransomware group.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in maintaining the security, integrity and anonymity of our platform.

Request a Verification Code